
Showing posts from March, 2017

"Thank-you Mama"

This past weekend, I chaperoned my daughters choir field trip. I'll admit, I was coming off of a very long week, and Girl Scout cookie season, which, lets be honest, is a full time job in itself! But I was very exited to spend this time with her and her friends, despite my busy schedule.  As we are walking through Islands of Adventure, my daughter says to me, "Thank you!", I said, "Oh honey, you're welcome!" Then she says, "And not just about today, about everything you do for me." Very teary eyed, I respond with, "You're welcome sweetheart, anything for my babies!" And give her a huge hug! At that moment I felt a huge sense of pride, in myself and in her! Here I am, l ike many parents, just doing my best to raise my babies the best way I know how, and doing for them what I can, thinking on some level that I'm screwing it all up at times. Hearing her sincerely thank me was the absolute best thing anyone has ever sai

Wednesday Morning Coffee

Good Morning!   I love Wednesdays. It is my day to relax a bit, because I know that it is an early release day for my kids, so I don't make big plans. I drop them at school, come home, make some coffee, change back into my PJ's and just chill out for a little while. I will sometimes work on editing photos, or brainstorm new book ideas, and just be creative. It's great to have a day like this, to focus solely on my projects.  One super exciting thing to mention before getting to work is that my ebook, Marie and Reilly, is currently FREE on Amazon until March 11th! Go get you a copy! Marie and Reilly Happy Hump Day everyone!