
Showing posts from 2015

A little of this...A little of that!

Hello! I know it's been quite awhile since I have written a blog, when school starts for my kids, I also start my online classes, plus it takes awhile to get back into the swing of things. So I will start off by tying up some things I have left you hanging on with my last few posts. Hysterectomy recovery: Well, it's been 8 months since my surgery, and I have been able to start getting back to my old self, plus about 20ish pounds that I put on during my 3 month, light activity recovery. I am hoping to start taking some of that off soon...but let's be honest, next month is Thanksgiving and I really do not have the self control to say no to all of that yummy food! Haha.  I did try a few diets along my journey these past few months, but nothing that really seemed to stick with me. One of which was the 21 day fix, I did like the workouts and the shakes were good, they were entirely too overpriced for someone in debt due to medical bills though, and the diet itself I found ve...

Sister Shenanigans!

So, a few weekends ago my sister invited me to come with her to the Country Superfest in Jacksonville. Since she lives in Georgia and I live in South Florida we decided to rent a motel and meet there the first day of the concert, check in and then head to the concert together....sounds simple right? So it took me quite awhile to find a motel available, and the only one that wasn't $300 a night and was fairly close to where we needed to go, I booked. We even joked about it being a roach motel, but the photos on the website of the motel were nice, and the ratings weren't too terrible, seemed to be a really nice place. We met up in Jacksonville, had some lunch and then headed over to the motel to check in and change after our long drives.  I pull into the parking lot and immediately turned around, called her and said, NOPE! This motel was awful, there were people hanging out on the balconies, not very nice looking people either, it looked run down, there seemed to be a lot ...

Hysterectomy 4 weeks later-An update

Hi everyone! I just wanted to write a little about my recovery since my 2 week post-op entry. Let's see, I am able to move around a lot better now and I tend to forget that there are still restrictions I have to follow. Boy is it difficult to look around the house and see so many things that need to be done and being unable to do them!  I am back to driving again, thank goodness! My kids are super excited to have Mommy able to drive them back and forth to school again, I definitely missed that also.  I have started to test my limits a little, doctors orders, and am able to do a few things around the house. I still have a little belly, I look like I am few months pregnant, ironic, I know, but I am told that will gradually go away throughout the recovery process. My incisions look pretty good, they are starting to not look as noticeable, so that is good. I am really happy so far with how my recovery is going. I do still get frustrated at times, with myself. I hear other wome...

Post Hysterectomy Recovery and thoughts.

Hello everyone! I am happy to be on the other side of this surgery!  My surgery was on February 25th, 2015, so I am now 2 weeks + Post-op, and for the most part I feel pretty good! I will take you through my surgery and recovery so far. The morning of my surgery was interesting, I really thought that I would be a nervous wreck, but I wasn't.  I am not sure if it was due to lack of sleep the night before, or that I had finally made peace with my decision, but I felt pretty confident that morning. My husband and I woke up at 4 a.m. and I had to scrub with Antibacterial soap before heading to the hospital.  Once there, I was signed in, given 3 arm bands and assigned a nurse who did my prep. She was very nice and informative about how the morning would go and what I could expect. I get some really fancy compression stockings and they also put some other things on my legs that simulates movement to keep my blood flowing and avoid clots. She started my IV and gave me s...

Hysterectomy Panic sets in!

Tomorrow at 5am I go into the hospital for my Total Hysterectomy. I am currently freaking out!  I cannot help but think of all the bad things that can happen.  It all started 2 days ago when I went in for pre-op and pretty much had to initial next to each and every complication that could happen during the surgery saying that I understand the risks.  I know there is like a 1% chance any of these things could happen, but I am so scared I am that 1%.  Not to mention the whole finality of never having a baby again.  Which seems really ridiculous since 5 years ago we decided we were finished having kids and my Husband got a vasectomy.  But for some reason I am starting to get emotional about the whole thing.  Once it's out, you cannot put it back. What if in 5 more years we decide we do want more kids??  Ugh. Like that will happen, but what-if?  I know that most, if not all, Women have these feelings right before this operation, and I have be...