
Showing posts from 2014

You have to take the Good with the Bad

So, after years of problems, testing and just feeling like I was never going to find any answers I finally got the answers I was hoping for, the only thing is that these answers were really not comforting at all.  The moment my doctor said the word, "Hysterectomy", I became numb, dazed, a little worried. After all, I am only 31. But considering my family history of early hysterectomy's I should have been at least a little prepared for this outcome. It doesn't make me feel any better though, and the more I think about it, the more anxiety I feel towards it! I know that I will probably feel so much better after it is done, physically, but mentally I feel like it will take me awhile to get used to the fact that I will no longer be able to bare children, which seems like a really dumb thought considering my husband has already had a vasectomy and we don't plan to have anymore kids. But there is that lingering thought that I will feel like less of a woman when I go t...

When you know, you know....or do you?

It is coming up on my husband and my 7 year wedding anniversary, so I have been looking back to our life together over these years. It is hard to believe so much time has passed.  Our relationship started out just as friends, we were both going through separations from our spouses and it was nice to have someone to talk to that understood what I was going through.  People thought we had this secret affair going on, which is so far from the truth! I actually was not too fond of him when we first met, I thought he seemed cocky and sort of a ladies man, so there was no instant connection there, but given we were going through similar problems, we eventually sparked up a friendship.  It was rocky, to say the least, when we actually started dating.  I had a daughter from my previous marriage and he also had a daughter, who was not too please to have me interrupt their life.   At the time though it was just fun, we were just hanging out. He quickly becam...

Scout Mom!

This weekend we did a backyard camping event with my Junior troop, it was such a great time! It is so hard to believe that this troop was started by me just happening upon a flyer for a recruitment event they were doing 4 years ago. I went in not knowing what to expect, and since they did not have any troops available for my daughter to join, another Mom and I came together and started our own!  The first 2 years were rocky, we were trying to learn the ropes and organize, but we stuck it out and just seeing how well the girls work together as a team and the bond they have with one another just makes all that hard work in the beginning so worth it! The girls did not complain, not even once through the night, and we are talking about eight 9 year olds, camping in 60 degree weather in tents!  They made smores, hot dogs, we even made some popcorn over the fire, they told ghost stories and just had a really great time! It made me think, these are the moments they will remember th...

Fall Weather

Finally the Fall weather has arrived!  The pumpkin patches have been set up and all the festivals are underway! It is one of my favorite times of year....minus the germs! Lol, my kids keep coming home from school with one cold or another, but besides that, we are enjoying this beautiful time of year!  I also love scheduling photo shoots this time of year, the weather is perfect and the colors are just fantastic! I wanted to share a few with you! Happy Fall :-) Visit my Photography page on Facebook!

It's all Happening!

So, when I made the decision to start publishing my Children's books, I was intrigued by the option to self-published online.  It wasn't a terribly hard process at the beginning. But the past few days have been busy busy trying to convert my books into different formats so that I can submit them to different book stores and outlets.  This is where my self-publishing decision made me think twice! But I am happy to say that I completed both books in different formats and have submitted them, hopefully all of my hard work pays off and I start to get a bigger fan base! For now my books are available in my online store and can also be purchased in the Apple iBookstore.  I will keep my fingers crossed that my submissions get approved and they will be available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc! Stay tuned!  Check out my website for info on my currently available books!!   Check out my Website!!

"I can do it myself, Mommy."

The one sentence that can break a Mommy's heart instantly!   Lately my 6 year old has been branching out and testing her independence.    This morning while getting ready for school I went and got all the stuff to do her hair and sat down, she looks at me and says, "I don't need that, I can do it myself!".  Umm, I always do her hair in the morning, it's my dare she try and do it herself! My heart was slightly broken, but I let her do her own hair, she did a pretty good job too. I was proud of her for that, but deep down, I was a little upset, it is one less thing that I am needed for.     A little while later after getting to the school, we got out of the car and I was going to walk into the office to get my sticker to enter the building when she says, "I can walk myself to class today, Mommy." Just then I felt like I had been punched in the is one thing to do her own hair, but walking herself to class....there has to be a ...

Back to school and back to the everyday hectic awesomeness!

It is funny, we spend the last few weeks of the summer impatiently waiting for school to start, yet we get a few weeks in and cannot wait for a break from the everyday hustle and bustle!  The last few weeks have been a work in progress, getting used to new schedules and teachers and new activities and getting geared up for Scouts this year while both girls caught and are currently getting over a virus that seems to be going around! I guess that put a monkey wrench in our plans for perfect attendance this year. Oh well, we will just have to find something else to strive for!   Hoping that once everyone gets used to our new schedules this year things will calm down a bit and I might get that chance to sit down, relax and just have some time to think. Who am I kidding, I don't know how to just sit and relax, I can't help but be productive in one way or another!  Hoping for an awesome school year and lots of new adventures!