
Showing posts from 2017

I get it now...

As a teenager, my Mom would walk in my room, just to ask how I was doing. I would brush it off, tell her to go away, or just say that I didn't want to talk right then. My life revolved around my friends, and that was it. Fast Forward to me now being the Mother of a near teen, I feel that sting when she tells me "not right now" or "I'm fine Mom". This is a right of passage, we all go through this, it is something that is to be expected. However, June 12th, 2018 will mark the 10 year anniversary of my Mothers passing. Oh, how I wish she was here for this, for what I am going through right now, I wish I had her to call, I wish I had her to confide in and I wish she had the opportunity to relish in the whole "I told you so", that she very well deserved.  Me and my sister were no picnic, Lol! I would love to sit on the porch with her and compare notes, I would love to hear her tell me how much my kids are like me at that age, or aren't like me a...

The drive to school this morning...

So, I actually debated on whether or not to write a blog on this, but I'll be honest, I had a hard time sleeping last night, and I feel like I need to write this, if for no one else but me. I stayed awake thinking about the recent victims of the Las Vegas shooting, their families, the fact that they were just living their lives, and out of nowhere, someone else decided for them, that they wouldn't be going home that night. Much like how I also felt after what happened in Orlando last year. My heart hurts for them. And it made me sick to my stomach knowing that my kids and grand-kids are growing up in a world full of so much hate. I knew that I would have to talk to my kids about it, but like many parents, I didn't really know how to go about having that conversation with them. I didn't know how much, or how little they had heard about it. We try to shield our kids from the bad things going on around them, we want them to feel safe, and we want them to not have to worr...

Friday Eve!

I don't know what it is about the end of the week that brings out the lazy in everyone! Lol! Seriously, Thursday has to be the most hectic day. This morning, I heard my alarm and must have hit the snooze so many times, it finally gave up on me. Woke up late, put on some coffee, that I had to take with me in the car, one kid was ready to go, the other was dragging trying to get their stuff done. We finally get in the car and my youngest forgot something and had to run back in. Get her to school in the knick of time, and then get my oldest to school just shy of 5 minutes early. Took a deep breath, because I know that next Thursday will be much of the same! And not only was it hectic, I woke up to find out that we didn't win the 700 million Lotto! Really bummed, because I think I would be really awesome at being a millionaire, but sadly no one has given me the chance to prove that. YET! But in between the hustle and bustle of the craziness that are those rushed mornings, there w...

"There's only you and me, and we just disagree."

So, on my ventures this morning of all the running my kids to their individual schools. A song, that I have heard a million times, came on the radio. It's an old song, by Dave Mason, titled, "We just disagree".  And even though I have heard it a million times, one part of the song really hit home, considering what's going on in the world around us. The verse is, "There ain't no good guy, there ain't no bad guy, there's only you and me and we just disagree." And in a world full of, "this is how I feel, and if you don't agree, then you're {this} or you're {that}!" I wish more people would realize this. I wish more people would stop focusing on being right, rather than actually take the time to listen to what the other person is saying. Because without doing that, all of this bickering back and forth just turns into white noise. I typically don't get involved and voice my opinion online about certain things going on rig...

Back to School!

Today is back to school for our district, which leaves me sad and happy all at the same time! You see, my oldest started her first day of middle school. I honestly think I was more nervous than she was considering she insisted she walk to class on her own and just have me drop her off, which makes the first school year ever that I didn't walk her to class and make sure she was settled in. Yes, I was teary eyed and emotional. So, I sit here now wondering how she is doing, and if she is settling in to her new school okay. And the Mom in me is going over every single scenario in my head about what is going on in her day. I remember middle school, sometimes the kids can be a little meaner if you don't fit into their crowd, and they can be very critical at times also. One thing about my oldest is that she sees the best in everyone, she is friends with most kids she comes across, this has sometimes not been in her best interest, because even though some of those kids were not so nice...

Why limit yourself!?

So, I was sitting here thinking the other day, after having a new acquaintance ask me what I do and I really wasn't sure which answer to give, because typically when I answer with all of my accomplishments, eyes glaze over. Lol! So I will usually just answer with one of my many ventures and leave it at that. But I don't think that tactic is working, because I feel like I am selling myself short. I think we are conditioned at an early age to just pick something and stick with it. The whole, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" sort of mentality. I never really fit that mold though, because I like to let creativity take over.  Beginning at the age of 18, I was sure that I wanted to be a model, so I joined groups and went on shoots and had a really amazing time, even being chosen to have my photos appear in a publication. But along that journey, I realize I had a knack and passion for photography, which I also pursued, trained, and learned from some of the best in...

"Thank-you Mama"

This past weekend, I chaperoned my daughters choir field trip. I'll admit, I was coming off of a very long week, and Girl Scout cookie season, which, lets be honest, is a full time job in itself! But I was very exited to spend this time with her and her friends, despite my busy schedule.  As we are walking through Islands of Adventure, my daughter says to me, "Thank you!", I said, "Oh honey, you're welcome!" Then she says, "And not just about today, about everything you do for me." Very teary eyed, I respond with, "You're welcome sweetheart, anything for my babies!" And give her a huge hug! At that moment I felt a huge sense of pride, in myself and in her! Here I am, l ike many parents, just doing my best to raise my babies the best way I know how, and doing for them what I can, thinking on some level that I'm screwing it all up at times. Hearing her sincerely thank me was the absolute best thing anyone has ever sai...

Wednesday Morning Coffee

Good Morning!   I love Wednesdays. It is my day to relax a bit, because I know that it is an early release day for my kids, so I don't make big plans. I drop them at school, come home, make some coffee, change back into my PJ's and just chill out for a little while. I will sometimes work on editing photos, or brainstorm new book ideas, and just be creative. It's great to have a day like this, to focus solely on my projects.  One super exciting thing to mention before getting to work is that my ebook, Marie and Reilly, is currently FREE on Amazon until March 11th! Go get you a copy! Marie and Reilly Happy Hump Day everyone!